
I’m a freelance writer living in the Seattle area. From March 2021 to March 2023, I was a health science journalist for Inverse. This website has links to all of my freelance work. For the stories I wrote while at Inverse, please visit my Inverse author page. You can securely send tips to my encrypted email at katiemacbride [at] protonmail [dot] com.IMG_3409

I was also a co-founder and associate editor of Anxy magazine, an award-winning magazine about mental health. In 2018, I was a story and field producer on a documentary about the pediatric use of medical cannabis.

In 2020, André Aciman selected my essay for The Small Bow as a Notable Essay in that year’s Best American Essays anthology.

Find my work in Vice News, The Daily Beast, Buzzfeed News, Rolling Stone, Inverse, Playboy, and Longreads, among other publications.

I’m on Twitter and Bluesky @msmacb

Find links to all of my freelance clips here.

33 thoughts on “About

  1. Bruce forwarded your piece to Peter who forwarded it to me. I had heard Ms, Glaser on NPR and then was steered to her Atlantic Monthly article . . . tonight I wrote to Peter (and Bruce):

    “I just finished Katie MacBride’s article.

    Now I can’t use needing to write a rebuttal to Gabrielle Glaser’s article as an excuse for putting off doing my income tax. What a masterful piece of writing!

    Thank you, Peter, Thank you Bruce and most of all, Thank you Katie MacBride.



  2. Thank you for your clear and concise response to Glaser’s article. A friend forwarded it to me. The only response I have to her article is “Well, it’s worked for me for 31 years, day at a time.” And “Moderation? It is to laugh.” Thank you, thank you.


  3. Having recently lost my best friend I thought it appropriate to take a few outings, drug wise. Booze and blow pretty soon were back on the menu. Re-entering AA in Amsterdam (the English spoken sessions) after 15 years of 99,5 % sobriety it felt like a hot tub. Submerging in the Fellowship was just what I needed. Glaser clearly does not know what she is talking about. Take the ever seller AA the Big Book. Nothing, okay, practically nothing has lost its validity, for people with alcoholism behave more or less the same the world over: they slip, they climb back on the wagon, they slip once more… Lots of AA-ers have succeeded and continue to succeed, closing an awful chapter in their lives. That chapter is alcoholism, with ever more proof it being genetically ordained, ergo a disease like Parkinson’s, cancer, etc. etc.

    I am back on track, thanks to AA.


    1. Congratulations on your sobriety! I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. AA does so much good for so many people. Even though I agree that there should be alternatives for those for whom AA does not work, simply disparaging a program that works for so many does nothing to help the alcoholics and addicts who are still suffering.


  4. And “Cheers” back Katie!
    Thanks so much for taking a peek at my Gambling Recovery Blog. I’m a new fan of yours and now following 🙂 I shall read and explore all you have here! I will be writing very soon for Addicted Minds as well! http://addictedminds.org So stop by this wonderful recovery WP blog sometime.

    Author, Catherine Lyon 🙂 ❤


  5. Just discovered you after searching articles on addiction as I always do. I must say you’re an excellent writer, who produces pieces that both acknowledge the opposition, and then (from what I’ve seen so far) offer excellent rebuttals. I study neuroscience, research the internet, and think about addiction almost every day, as I myself have struggled with the issues it cause both directly and indirectly. I do joke that I’m also addicted to studying addiction. I followed you on twitter, and hope to read more. I must say most importantly that your compassion for the issue. I think that is integral to treating and understanding addiction. I hope we as a country can move past these stigmas soon, because the internalization of an addiction makes it so much harder to overcome. Glad to see Patrick Kennedy on 60 minutes talk about how the “pathology of silence we put on addiction is making the problem far worse”. Well now I’m just carrying on, did I mention i also like to talk about addiction?
    Anyways glad I stumbled on you whoever you are, hope to see more

    Have a good day

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Michael, I really appreciate your kind words. All of us who struggle with addiction, directly or indirectly, are in it together. I haven’t seen the 60 Minutes episode yet, but I am looking forward to it. The more voices we have talking about these issues, the sooner we can break the stigmas around addiction and mental health. Have a great day, and thank you for making mine!


  6. Hi Katie, I just read and shared your article from The Fix on 10 ways to stay sober when everything’s falling apart. Thank you for you honesty and helpful advice to others in recovery. I am a psychologist in the LA area and passionate about working with people who struggle with substance use issues. Congratulations on your sobriety and keep up the excellent work. I have no doubt that your writing contributions help so many people!


    1. Thank you, Susan, this means a lot to me. For me, whole point of writing about this stuff is in hopes that it may help someone, somewhere, so I really appreciate your comment.


  7. Hi, I just wrote to let you know that I loved your piece about RayMaw on ravishly, so perfect I had to link to it in my blog. Hope to see more of your writing!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Katie Katie, I am so grateful to have found your blog by accident or was it by accident? I have been working in addictions for over 35 years starting out being an alcoholic first then proceeded to heavier drugs. I also suffered with chronic depression and general anxiety disorder ahhh such a long time i have been working on myself and my demons. Not only did I have my own demons I was my own judge, jury and executioner….. society was also my judge, jury and executioner. I won’t go into the long drawn out journey I went through to get where I am today but I am okay. I am more than okay. I am almost 60 years old and for the first time in my life I feel like I am just getting started. I take antidepressants and I don’t give a damn who knows in fact I shout it from the roof tops. If I can help just one person get out of the depths of hell …..I will and have told thousands of people over my life time.
    I work in a detox front line right in the trenches. For the last 10 years I feel we whoever we is; health care, criminal justice system, police, judge, juries and executioners are failing badly. I was starting to burn out and prayed to God to help me with my decision. Should I stay or should I go? We have some clients come back 10,15 and even 20 times to detox. Then I stumbled across a documentary called Anonymous People. I’ve watched it 30 times and I use it as a great tool for discussion in the groups I facilitate. It changed my life and my view it gave me hope and gave me a deeper understanding of how it all went wrong. Since then I have dedicated myself to learn and understand as much as I can about addiction and it’s many far reaching dirty little fingers. I want to be a part of the movement that changes society’s collective thoughts that we are dregs of society. I have listened to TED talks my new addiction I say proudly! I have listened to Carl Hart and a few others. I cannot get enough information I am hungry for change …….We will talk again thank you for having the courage to put yourself out there. I for one am honored to when people share their authentic self.
    Geri Woods


  9. My mom died of complications related to long-term alcoholism. My sister followed her 3 years ago. If it’s a gene, somehow I dodged that bullet, at least as to all the usual stuff. My addiction has been to my own sense of unworthiness, that familiar, well-worn slipper filled with broken glass.

    Tonight I’ll go to an expensive rehab in Malibu where my friend offers a music program, and I’ll be part of the rhythm section, keeping a stable groove for people in the early stages of their recovery – sometimes for the 5th or 6th time – who want to come up and jam with the band. In these people I see struggle, I see humility, I see chaos, I see hope, I see acceptance of what is, I see the acknowledgement of possibility and the desire – however faltering – to climb back out from that place. Sometimes, I see a talented musician, and in those moments of connection, I almost forget why we’re both there. It is the acceptance of the possibility of something greater that keeps me going there, because maybe keeping the bass solid and making a human connection with someone on their journey will help just a little bit, maybe make it even marginally easier for them to put the right foot ahead of the left for a step or two. Because I know what it looks like when a person is shoveling the dirt in on top of themselves and there’s nothing you can do for them. I like hope and possibility, because those are things I can choose for myself too.

    And now to the practice of law. Thank you for your work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing this story. I’m so sorry about your mom and sister. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been. It sounds like you’re doing great work in the recovery community and I’m grateful to you for it (you’re also a beautiful writer). Thank you for reaching out.❤️


  10. Katie, by chance I saw a comment from you on Twitter and wondered if you have sister (M. in Chicago) who was dear & great friend of our beloved Gwen (née Owen) whom we lost to the disease. Either way, keep up good work and God bless you.


    1. Yes! I do and I remember Gwen well. It’s tragic what happened–this disease is so insidious. My sister cared about G so much. Thank you for reaching out to say hello. ❤


      1. Thank you, Katie. Gwen spoke warmly of you and all of your family. I hope everyone is doing well. Please send our love to Melanie too if you have a chance. Cindy

        Sent from my iPhone


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